Monday, January 21, 2013

DIY Cupcake Stands

I’ve been obsessed with all of the cute cake and cupcake stands that everyone seems to be DIY-ing lately on Pinterest. So, I headed to my favorite thrift store and picked out some supplies to make my own!

What you will need:
-glass plate
-glass candle holder or very small glass vase
-hot glue gun
-glue sticks

For my cake stand I used a glass candle holder and a large glass plate. I bought the plate and candle holder at Goodwill for only 55 cents a piece! How can you beat those prices?! They didn't have a huge selection of plates and candle holders so I also went to Walmart and bought a plate for $3 and a candle holder for $2. $5 is still super cheap!

Here is what I bought:

 I chose the square glass plate and candle holder I bought from Walmart.

I placed glue on the candle holder and firmly pressed the plate into place, holding it in place for about a minute. 
And here is the final result:
 I did the same thing with my thrift store finds which included a beautifully designed round glass plate and a small vase.
If you want a taller stand, you can take 2, or even 3 candle holders and glue them together before adding a plate. 
Add the plate and this is the finished product:

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